This is only a small list. As time progresses there will be more added. 154.8300 Louisa county Sheriff. Digital
and cannot be heard except for the two city departments, portables, and ambulances in the county. 154.1450
All volunteer fire departments in county-Wapello Oakville, Morning Sun, Grandview, Letts, and Columbus Junction 158.7300
Muscatine County Sherrif 154.2800 State Wide fire mutual aid 151.0100 Louisa County Engineering department
151.1300 Muscatine County Roads 154.4750 New Iowa Frequency 151.4750 Mutual Aid 159.1950 DOT
Muscatine, CJ, Washington, and Mt. Pleasant-now digital. Cannot monitor 33.3000 Kinder Morgan-Natural Gas
Pipeline@ Columbus Jct. 451.8750 Farmers Elevator and Exchange 444.7000 Ham Radio repeater? 160.7700
IMRL dispatcher-Letts Radio tower 161.1300 BNSF repeater tower @ West Burlington 451.4250 Eastern Iowa Light
and Power cooperative?CIPCO 451.3000 Iowa Telecom formerly GTE telephone