Bonnichsen Racing Inc. Banana Boat Racing
Barnes Racing
Bill Davis Racing-owner of #22 Ward Burton

John Deere
Case International
McCormick Tractors
This is a tractor company spun off from the Case-New Holland merger. The Case-IH plant in Doncaster England was sold to local
investors and are now marketing this tractor.
New Holland
Cameco tractors
Steyr tractors-Austria
Zanello tractors-Argentina
Versatile Tractors
Buhler tractors maker of Versatile
Hillside combines
Oxbocorp-makers of Pixall and Byron
Kirovets Tractor corp.

Mack Trucks
Ditch Witch trenchers
Toy tractor
Big tractor power
Sucessful Farming Online
Ag Day

Zanello 700 manufactured in Argentina
Cenex Harvest States Cooperative
Land O Lakes, production
Land O Lakes, consumer division
Growmark-FS-Farm Service
PCS-Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan
International Minerals Corporation-IMC Global inc.
Canadian Oilheat Association
Muscatine Farm Equipment
Three Lakes Wisconsin paridise
Robert Butler ag paintings
More Robert Butler prints
Environmental Working Group
see what you and your nieghbor made from farm subsidies from 1996 till 2000
Conservation Districts of Iowa
National Association of Conservation Districts
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Alpha Gamma Sigma
Alpha Gamma Sigma Zeta Chapter
Republican Party
Rush Limbaugh
Paul Harvey
Mike Reagan
WHO Radio
Dr. Laura Shlieschinger
Politcal Humor
Politcal Gravgeyard
Kathleen Parker-Columnist
Western Illinois University
Totally Wild Seasonings
The site above is from a local Wapello man, Brad Moss. He's operating a mail and internet order company for his wild game
breading products. Browse around. The stuff is good
The site below is a great one. It changes daily and has anything from tits to guns. You never know what you will get at
this one.
Dangerous places to travel and why not go there
Let me stay for a day
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Trans Siberian Orchestra combines classical and heavy metal into a uniqe sound. I found it to be one of the most unique styles
of music.
Urban legends