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Tankwagon Express

Well, its been quite some time since anyone has made a public comment about my site.I guess I have done my job and pissed off the world!!! After the last one I have posted here, only two more came in.  One was pretty much about what the person was doing and an update on his life so I didn't feel as though it was appropriate.  The other one was from the pyscho demented ex-girlfriend from hell.  I won't give her the satisfaction of posting it here. 

Origionally called Hate Mail.  Used that as an attention getter.
Just a posting of the most recent comments and other online conversations between me and others. I have deleted the email adresses and last names to give the people some privacy. If you want to know who they are, contact me. I'm sorry about the  coarse language or the improper use of english of the comments.  I publish them as they come to me.

Dumbass comment of the year Award
May 20, 2002
William Clinton
You got yourself something big here, all of the world's leaders should take a look at what you have to say! Cause then they would realize just how fucking stupid we Americans really are! Thanks for speaking your opinion on subjects that you have no idea on.  In the future you could do the world a favor instead of sucking republicans dicks and put a nice 300 MAG barrel in your mouth and rid other people of your ignorance!

December 28, 2001

Sam, this page is deifinately you in a nutshell. Never afraid to speak your mind. Sometimes without knowing the facts, but very loud and clear about what you belive in. Keep it going Sambo!

January 6, 2002

Sam, listen to your heart. You are a unique sensitive young man and you have much to offer all of us, don't worry about anything that hasn't happened yet. Live, Love, Laugh

January 9, 2002

Hello, Cousin! Looks like you have life figured out for yourself. Hey, this girl thing will happen whne you are not looking high and low for her! Hope you are doing well.

January 10, 2002

Well, Sam, I finally got to your website. Lots of interesting stuff. I like and understand many of your ideas on many of these subjects and keep on writting. Your'e doing one hell of a job.

January 14, 2002

You have quite an opinion on several subjects. As I am reading your rants, you say you have a problem with democrats and liberals. Do you know any of these? If you do and they read whay you have to say I think they would be offended. I hope they are not your friends.

February 17,2002

Sam, this is a great site! You cover all your bases and tell alot about yourself!

February 28, 2002
Sam-This is very eye opening.  One of the people closest to me once told me that you go around each corner of life as you come to it.  Don't try too hard-life is what happens while we're planning.  Live.  Laugh.  Love.  Enjoy

March 7, 2001
I really like the WORLD HEADQUARTERS!!!

March 23, 2002
Hey Sam, you know, as far as your website is concerned you should put on it things that interest you.  The rest of the world be damned.  Thats the great thing about America.  As long as you aren't hurting anyone (kids and women) you can do just about watever you want.  What I liked about your site was the fact you aren't afraid to put your stuff out there.  That takes Balls.  Take care buddy and keep up the good work.
March 26,2002
Sam, neat site.  I enjoyed it and also bookmarked to visit again.  Take care.
March 28, 2002
Hey Sambo
March 29, 2002
Jason T.
Only one word describes the site.....WOW!

April 11, 2002
I came across your website on yahoo's What's New.  I found it very interesting and suprisingly honest...that is rare on the net.  It was a refreshing way to start my day! Thanks
April 29, 2002
Sambo, good shit on you got here.  Keep it up.  Corey Platt should be recognized on your site for his extrodinary shitting capabilities.  He gave birth to a fifteen inch brown baby boy in Dog's bathroom.
April 29, 2002
Hi Sam!
May 2, 2002
Thanks for visiting my farm site and signing the guestbook.  I enjoyed your site too.  You are an energetic young man. 

May 12
I forgot to thank you for the 'Beef and Bread' pic.  I had it up as my wallpaper at work for a couple weeks.  I like to change pretty often, but I did save it for a future change. 

May 20, 2002
William Clinton
You got yourself something big here, all of the world's leaders should take a look at what you have to say! Cause then they would realize just how fucking stupid we Americans really are! Thanks for speaking your opinion on subjects that you have no idea on.  In the future you could do the world a favor instead of sucking republicans dicks and put a nice 300 MAG barrel in your mouth and rid other people of your ignorance!

July 10, 2002
Your shittin me! This stuff realy goes on in the middle of America? Dude, maybe you should get cable tv. 

Ok, to go along with the January 14 comment, I was involved in a conversation about that. Here is what an annonamous Julie had to say in a response to my reply:

I suppose that stirring the pot is okay but it seems that you go a little far when talking about not having time for radicals and democrats. To have an opinion is one thing but to sling mud because of your political preference is another.
I can tell you have put a lot of work into your website and that you belive what you print. I am just not sure you are going about it in the right way.
If I am getting the point right you seem to hold a grudge
with women. There are a lot of fish in the sea and obviously you havne't found the right one. I think you are trying too hard. Some of your rants contradict themselves about women. You have to give and take and it takes a lot of time and hard work. That is my opinion so you can take it however you want to. Sheila K.

Reply to the February 28 comment,
Thanks for the advice Jenny.  You got a pretty good grasp of life.  You were one of the most inspiring people I have met in my time.  Thank you.  Your advice will be taken to heart.  All of them except the Love one.  I'll ignore that one. 

Comment about march 29
This guy was a brother of mine in my college fraternity.  There is a lot more that was in his reply but I didn't have room to publish it all right on this page.  I have now came to the conclusion that the two of us were more alike than different and we could have been a terrible force to be reckoned with if we could have been friends.  Good news is that there is still lots of time left to make ammends and become friends. There is no time like the present to patch things up.  If you want to read the rest of the comment, email me.

Reply to May 20 comment:
You are entiteled to your opinion.  You just showed the world how warped you are by your 300 mag comment.  I love this country dearly and I speak on behalf of many people out there who are tired of this liberal bullshit.  You go first and I will watch. 
